Wednesday, October 13, 2010

something else i will never understand

i hate how i constantly wake up about 10 minutes before my alarm clock goes off. and then some days i sleep right through my alarm clock. i cant remember the last time it actually woke me up. anybody else have that problem or am i just weird. also, weird is a weird word because it doesnt follow the i before e except after c rule.


  1. I have that "problem", but I explain it with my natural rhythm that got used to me standing up at 5:30. I don't use an alarm clock anymore, because I just wake up at 5:25.

  2. It's actually pretty hit and miss for me as well. Normally it does work and it wakes me up.

  3. Same here man can relate a lot.

  4. I get that every now and then. The upside is you get a little more time to gradually wake up.

  5. It's so weird when you wake up 5 minutes before the alarm...
